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Purpose: To get your players moving!


It’s arguably the first thing we learn to do for ourselves and is always viewed as a landmark in any child’s development. So, please take note and endeavour to incorporate it into your life again.

Because, all our “Teams for Life” and Players, need us to walk more to achieve Premiership Health.

Here’s why:

It boosts the immune system – ImmunoTeam. A thirty minute walk has been shown to increase the number of killer T-cells and other markers on your ImmunoTeam.

It can help to reduce body fat. – As a rough guide for the average person 2000 steps = 1 mile.

The average person walks between 4-5000 steps/day approx.Walking an extra 2000 steps or 1 mile, takes 15 mins and burns 100 cals and by my calculations that’s over 10 lbs a year!

It improves glucose control – especially after a meal – 15 mins of walking after eating can do the trick. Ditto with Triglycerides – NutriTeam

It lowers blood pressure – CardioTeam.

It might help you live longer, if you do it briskly enough – a recent study of over 7000 male and 31000 female leisure walkers, found that those who walked the fastest, tended to live the longest.

It’s suitable for people with Osteoarthritis (the common wear and tear form). One study even found that walking (and weight lifting) improves balance in older adults with osteoarthritis.

It’s good for your brain. – NeuroTeam – It has been shown to improve both cognitive functioning and creativity. As well as being the best exercise to reduce dementia. The further you can walk in 6 minutes, especially if you are elderly, the better you can perform in memory and logic tests.

It reduces stress and therefore cortisol levels and may even help you quit smoking – HormoTeam.

It gets you back into connection with Nature – CommunoTeam.

It prevents falls in the elderly. Walking on uneven ground, like nature trails, helps the body to strengthen its stabilising muscles and therefore improves balance and reduces falls.

It gives you a chance to think and to meditate  – walking is a great time to think and contemplate “the meaning of life!” It can also help you work through problems, to find the solutions.

It gets you out of the house and socialising – CommunoTeam.

It’s in your genes – GenoTeam – We’ve evolved needing to walk for survival – your genes now expect nothing less. For example, genes responsible for fat and carb metabolism in skeletal muscle, are switched on by walking, as are those that reduce inflammation.

It allows an opportunity to improve your SOTV – Focus – It gives you an opportunity to become aware of both the outside world and your own inner feelings.

So you “see,” walking can have a powerful effect for Premiership Health, and remember  – The Top Premier League Players walk more during the game than their championship counterparts!

It doesn’t have to take up too much game time either, most studies suggest you get the benefits from 10, 15, 30 minutes max.

That’s a half-time break, a walk around the ground and yes, that’s a walk in the park!


Video: Everybody Walk!

Scouting Report: Diabetes & Walking



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