Meditation & Mindfulness
Mindfulness helps people to manage their thoughts and feelings by teaching them how to pay attention on purpose and slow down the “Numbskulls” in the brain, getting them to focus on the present game situation.
Training in mindfulness can make you more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations, so instead of being overwhelmed by them you can manage them with confidence.
Practising mindfulness can give you more insight into your emotions, boost attention and concentration, and improve relationships.
The goal of meditation is similarly to focus and quieten your mind until eventually you reach a higher level of awareness and inner calm or Nirvana (enlightenment- the highest spiritual state).
Meditation is an ancient practice, requiring years of study and practice to master, mindfulness is the modern day fast and convenient version.
Neurologists have found that regular meditation actually changes the way your “Numbskulls” communicate with each other by altering the brain waves. Both Theta and Alpha waves are increased during meditation and this can help you to control emotions, improve concentration, decrease stress, and become more connected to those around you.
All very important for Premiership Health.
Website: The Free Mindfulness Project
Video: Samadhi Movie – Maya, the illusion of self
Video: Guided Meditation for Stress – A walk along the Beach
Scouting Report: Meditation Research
Scouting Report:
Scouting Report: Brain Waves