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Goal: Find a diet you enjoy and meets your purpose.

Action: Decide on your dietary tactics.

Purpose: To keep your Teams in shape!


What is the purpose of food?

Well in my book it has two primary functions:

To provide you with fuel/energy.


To supply you with the building materials for construction in the body.

The first function involves fats and carbs and the second, protein.

It is therefore obvious if you want to produce a high quality structure, which uses fuel efficiently and cleanly, you need to provide it with a high quality nutrient dense food.

Because, the old adage; “you are what you eat” is as true today as it has ever been.

Then, the next question is; what is the purpose of the diet, what results do you want to see, or the outcome you desire?

Weight loss?


Fat Loss?


Muscle gain? (Coming Soon)


Now, I haven’t got a diet book I want to sell or an agenda to promote a particular lifestyle.

I have my own dietary tactics based upon my own N=1 results and game situation.

So, the answer to this question will need to be taken at a managerial boardroom level, between you and the Chairman, after you have taken into account your Club’s strengths and weaknesses, and get rid of a few:



Each team, each individual, each club, will have different (genetic) lineups, beliefs, existing stadia, workload stresses, values, gut bacteria, and environmental factors, which need to be looked at before a decision is made on the best dietary tactic to use.

There are a million and one different nutritional strategies to choose from in today’s game, from low carb to high carb, from low fat to high fat. They all have different names and different gimmicks to differentiate them from the opposition, and every person you speak to will have their own favourites and variations on a theme, they can’t all be right can they?

Well, because of individual differences in genetic lineups that may well be the case.

Inuit Eskimo’s did very nicely thank you, on a diet extremely high in saturated fat and the kitovan islanders lived to a ripe old age on a high carb diet of predominantly fruit and veg.

How can two such diametrically opposing diets be so healthy?

The answer to that question can be found in their environment.

The extreme cold and the limited availability of foods for the Inuits would require them to evolve genetic and epigenetic adaptations to their environment. Similarly, the Kitavans would have triggered epigenetic changes, and microbiome changes in response to their unique environmental conditions.

Unfortunately, most of us today have an environment full of fast food, highly processed and widely available. With a focus on quick energy supply over long-lasting durable building materials. And, instead of planning for a prosperous future, we choose the get rich quick option and sacrifice our metabolic health.

Which is why over half the adults in America have insulin resistance and metabolic disease.

One of the goals of Premiership Health, is to get you and your “Teams for Life” playing with purpose again and changing the environment in which they play, in order to produce healthier results.


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