Hypnosis can be a powerful tactic to counteract stress. Unlike medication, it’s entirely natural. There are no side-effects. You don’t get hooked on it and above all else it gets to the root cause of the problem.
It provides you with a technique to deal with the physical and emotional stressors in your life, and crucially for a Premiership Health Manager, it puts you back in control.
By getting your “Numbskulls” focussing on the solution and not just worrying about the problem.
Or, in other words you retrain your brain and get to communicate with the Chairman of your Club – The Subconscious Mind.
Hypnosis, bypasses the critical conscious mind and interrupts established thinking patterns that are resistant to change. This is important because; if you always do what you’ve always done you’ll always get what you’ve always got.
Doing and thinking the same things, day after day, gets you nowhere. To change, you need to speak to the Chairman – the Subconscious mind.
Every Club will have different resources and ways of dealing with stress at an unconscious level and hypnosis merely helps you to access them.
Perhaps, by visualising things differently or finding new ways to react to certain game situations, you can start to look at what’s causing the stress in an entirely different way and begin to find solutions.
This more positive communication with the subconscious mind can mean the next time you feel stressed, you’ll automatically know what to do and manage it better.
You can play with a more open mind, put things into perspective, and switch your focus from relegation to promotion.
Video: Hypnotize Yourself
Video: 10 min Relaxation Exercise
Video: Fast Self-Hypnosis Technique
Scouting Report: Relaxation Techniques for Health